WPPI: Just to let any and all know that I am currently at WPPI, so if i don’t get to your emails and phone calls, it’s because i’m out of the office until thursday, which i will then be getting back to business!  I hope to come home inspired, recharged with information, and ready to conquer the world :)  If you’re a photographer PLEASE say hi!!!  Now, onto more beautiful things ….

….My lovely friend and AMAZINGLY talented designer, Karrie Pyke!! Karrie recently launched her NEW WEBSITE & BLOG! Karrie is 1 of 2 parts of the incredible duo, Posh Paperie. I convinced her that she need to put photos up of her self for her blog and site, so that’s where i came in :) Elizabeth, Karrie and myself laugh a lot together, so it makes it fun to work together, but also very difficult at the same time to actually get much done. introducing the NEW Karrie Pyke Designs!!!


WEBSITE button for blog

TWITTER button for blog

contact button for blog