I guess there’s a theme for Things i ♥ Thursday today: RED!  i didn’t mean for it to happen, it just did :) Enjoy!  *btw- i had some a ree-dunculous time not using the heart, that i’m just gonna digress and use it again, sorry (but not really :)

Things i ♥:

1. i ♥ Breakfast for dinner!!! i would have breakfast at every single meal if i had my choice (and i would be 3583058 lbs:)  i ♥ it so much, in fact, that we’re having family dinner with our best friends tonight and having, you guessed it, breakfast!                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            2. i ♥ Vintage Milk-Glass. i want to collect more like my super cool friend Brook has, but i’m slow in the process…i will conquer!                                                                                                                              3. i ♥ Wonderland! Wonderland is a local San Diego television show that tells San Diego history.  It’s AWESOME!i would watch it over American Idol any day…haha.                                                            4. i ♥ The San Diego County Fair– Carnies!!! People Watching!!! Matt and i look forward to the fair every single year and are especially excited to take Emery this year because she’ll actually enjoy it! GO FUNNEL CAKES!                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               5. i ♥ Strawberry Picking. Ok, well, i haven’t actually done it yet, but am in love with the idea of going and taking Emery and will be going very soon…i’m sure i’ll post pictures so stay tuned!

Happy Thursday!

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My first thought seeing these was warm and spicy :) Beautiful!!

MaryAnn Ashley

We love WOnderland too… we’ve eaten at so many places that Noah suggests – the best find for us has been the Cuban Bakery in OB AZUCAR – they have the best guava-cream cheese pastery… it’s calling me now.

Adrienne Gunde

Love how there’s a summery vibe to all of these! And I am totally craving french toast SO badly right now after reading this!

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