Ted & Michelle :: Married! Giverny, France

Besides the fact that i was able to travel to Paris and meet some aaammaazing people and eat some of the most tasty pastries in the world, i had the crazy-awesome opportunity to shoot Ted and Michelle’s wedding in Giverny, France with Carly.  I feel so blessed to have had the opportunity.  But, even more so, i LOVED the fact that i made new friends in meeting Ted, Michelle and their fantastic families.  Their french wedding was beautiful, simple, casual, and no fuss. But, at the same time, very elegant and so enchanting.  I guess you can’t really go wrong when you get married in the countryside in Giverny (where Claude Monet lived- right down the road!) and your ceremony is in a 300 year old church and your reception is on your family’s gorgeous mill home.  i guess you really can’t go wrong :)  So, here are some images from their wonderful day.  Enjoy!


I awoke that morning to the family decorating this:  the getaway car/rriage.IMG_5900IMG_6126IMG_6147IMG_6226IMG_6287IMG_6251

Handsome. Stunning.ted and michelleIMG_6469IMG_6542flowers dyp

MARRIED!!  and, the getaway car- or horse!  Ted “drove” them to the reception which was down the road – um, awesome!!!  Also, i’m pretty sure i’ve never been this outnumbered by guests with cameras at a wedding- ever.IMG_6698IMG_6994

Can you believe the amazing light?!  btw- All of their portraits were taken at the family’s mill house.  Ridiculously gorgeous?  Yes, i know :)IMG_7064

my Fave of the day:EM - IMG_7044 for blogIMG_7025deets

Um, the birds?!  so stinkin’ cute!details1IMG_7165

Everyone waved their napkins as Ted & Michelle made their entrance- so fun!IMG_7231IMG_7254

Champagne from Champagne, France.  i had some during the trip and it.was.GOOD.rings

Cakes about to spit fire in 3, 2, 1…cake dypcake fire

LOVE this dyptich of these dancing shots.  the one on the left is of Michelle and her awesome, radical sister Joanne.  I love you girls!!  The one on the right gives me a really peaceful, romantic night-ending feeling :)dancing



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Emily Faulknor

Oh Jackie, these are all amazing! Girl, every shoot you do is better and better. You captured the essence of this French country wedding exquisitely. Seriously beautiful.

Nancy Mcgurn


Merci for these amazing shots. Your talent only enhanced my memories of that wonderful day. These photographs made everything come back to life. You are a true artist. You captured the magical feel of that day perfectly.

Nancy McGurn (aka Michelle’s mother ou Ted’s belle mere)


jackie. i think this reads France, romance, family, fun, laughter.. meaning you NAILED it. gorgeous. glad they flew you there. you really carried a special gift with you there.


As Michelle’s cousin – these photos made me even more jealous that I couldn’t make it! Everything looks gorgeous!

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