Posts By: Jackie

Ted & Michelle :: Married! Giverny, France

Besides the fact that i was able to travel to Paris and meet some aaammaazing people and eat some of the most tasty pastries in the world, i had the crazy-awesome opportunity to shoot Ted and Michelle’s wedding in Giverny, France with Carly.  I feel so blessed to have had the opportunity.  But, even more… Read more »

Steve & Krissy :: The Prado at Balboa Park

Hold on to your hats, this is going to be a long post! Krissy, was my coach’s oldest daughter.  I’ve known her since she was about 7 years old.  When i was a 14 year old freshman, i played 2 varsity sports.  Both of them i played for all 4 years of high school.  One… Read more »


This trend will end with a full post soon – i promise :)  But, for now…


Since i had such a fun time in Paris and Giverny, France, i decided to show off some things i loved about the trip.   I’m making it just in the knick of time- it’s still Thursday west coast time :)  And, sadly, no collage this time, it just didn’t work :) I ♥ These… Read more »


Normally, i wouldn’t classify myself as a “head shot” photographer.  I guess i would be so annoyed and so bored with the same-ole, same-ole.  I think i would want to be the rebel in the industry or something!  But, after having the privilege of photographing the GOOORGEOUS Amy, i may have to reconsider.  Amy has… Read more »