Normally, i wouldn’t classify myself as a “head shot” photographer.  I guess i would be so annoyed and so bored with the same-ole, same-ole.  I think i would want to be the rebel in the industry or something!  But, after having the privilege of photographing the GOOORGEOUS Amy, i may have to reconsider.  Amy has been dancing and performing her entire life and is going to take the world by storm one day with her amazing craft.  So, here are a few fun shots we got while roaming around Pacific Beach-  Enjoy!

Amy 24

So fun!Amy 36Amy 03

I love how this shot shows her youthfulness.Amy 13Amy 31

My favorite from the day!Amy 10Amy 18


Amy 52

Amy- thanks for letting me drag you and your mom and sis all around PB!  it was so fun to hang out and photograph your pretty face.  You’re seriously a natural.  and, ps- your gallery will be up as soon as my site is back :)




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