As I’ve been doing these Thursday Loves for the past couple of years(wow!), my husband and my sister think it’s time for me to talk about the things I LOATHE.  I think it’s pretty funny and sometimes feels good to get off my chest. I don’t know if any of these resound with you, but I’m sure there are some out there who share my annoyances :)

  1. I LOATHE : Chipped nail polish RIGHT AFTER you get your nails done at the salon.  SERIOUSLY so annoying.  It makes me angry.
  2. I LOATHE : PT Cruisers.  I’m not quite sure what it is, but i just think these cars are ultra gross.  sorry if you’re reading this and have one :/
  3. I LOATHE : Ed Hardy.  BARF.  enough said.
  4. I LOATHE : The “P” word.  (Panties)  It’s gross and dirty and I hate it with a vengeance.  I was just having a hard time typing it out i hate it so much :(
  5. I LOATHE : Cooking dinner.  Like for real, this is the worst part about my wife/mom role.  I’m bad at it and have no passion to get better at it…if I do have some passion in the slightest, it’s mostly out of guilt. honest.

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wow…glad you said something. I was planning on buying you a PT Cruiser for our anniversary. scratch that off the list.

Angela Gerber

This was fun to read J. I loathe all those things too. I didn’t know how much I loathed PT Cruisers until i was at a rental company and that was all they had left. Horrible – never again!!


hahahaha. okay, so i scanned without reading first and though…she loves this stuff? ha. never gave much thought to the “p” word, but now its freaking me out. :) dinner and i are enemies. serious ENEMIES. bleh.
love you loathes.

Megan Welker

oh you mean you didn’t want to stop at that store in PS to get your Ed Hardy bathing suit? :) I completely agree with you on every. single. one. yuck.

Ashlyn Carter

YES! I love this! : ) I cannot STAND when my nails get chipped right after getting them done. Lately, I can’t stand cooking either…I’m with ya girl.

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