I admit, I’ve been MIA lately.  BUT, there’s so much fun stuff happening with this little biz-o-mine, that’s all for good reason :)  Here’s some cool stuff that i own and like and thought you would like…to own :)

  1. I ♥ These little Felt heart pins form Purl Bee.  OK, so i don’t really own these yet, but i am trying to find time to make these lil’ guys in the next week…operative word : trying.
  2. I ♥ the Birds and Nests stamp set that i got at this store that i always talk about so I’m just going to link it b/c I’m sure everyone is sick of me saying it’s name :-)
  3. I ♥ Meiko.  this girls is awesome.  good music. itunes.
  4. I ♥ My new book, The Big-Ass Book of Crafts, that my buddy Brooke got me for my birthday.  Ya, she just gave me my present 2 nights ago and my b-day was in November :)  haha…thank you B !
  5. I ♥ Psssssst.  Even the bottle is fantastic.  This spray shampoo makes my hair feel and smell so clean.  As a working mom of a toddler, this is a must. You can get it at CVS.

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