M.I.A. is probably my new middle name these days. But, you know what, I’m giving myself a break and some grace and enjoying my new baby! World, I’m proud to officially introduce my new, sweet, beautiful daughter to the world…
Born April 6, 2011. – 11:12 am. – 7lbs 9oz.
Since our little baby had to the NICU right away (look up COOMBS), and I was in bed unable to move (c-section), I didn’t get to take any real pictures of her immediately after her birth. I’m still trying to not be bitter or angry about it and just accept that it’s the way it had to go down. Here’s some of the only images I was able to capture from my bed.
Emery was ECCSTATIC to meet her new baby sister. Her soft, sweet first words out of her mouth after she saw her and kissed her: ” Mommy, I just love her so much”. HEART MELTED.
And, after we were able to bring her home (A week later :< ), the photos begin!
*Such* a proud and super loving big sis Emery is. She’s been AMAZING with her…we are so incredibly blessed with these two!
And now, Wren is 1 month old already!!! It has gone by way too fast :(
And, here is the only family photo we have so far. sad, I know…but we’re taking care of that soon :)
Thank you to those of you have prayed for us, brought us meals, encouraged and loved us. We are SO grateful.
xoxo The Wonders 4!