A while ago I went to Kenya & Uganda, Africa. Almost 9 years ago, to be exact. I talked to people about Jesus. I learned about myself, others and God. I saw a ton of beauty, poverty, humility, and love…It was an incredible experience. I think it was there that I really felt a passion for photography ignite. These images were taken on a point and shoot film camera and I had NO idea about anything pertaining to a camera or light. I just pointed and shot :) I wish so badly I knew then what I know now about capturing images.
On the road to our safari campground in the Masai Mara. Breathtaking.
Orphan children we visited, who were incredibly beautiful and happy.
Masai children shot while i was sitting in our van. I’m not going to lie, they scared me.
A newborn baby Zebra on the side of a road, in the middle of nowhere, who’s mother abandoned it. A Masai man with sticks and piercings in his face had rescued it and was walking it along a road. Our driver pulled over and got out so we could see and pet it…it was marvelous. I’ll never ever forget that.