Posts By: Jackie


Adam & Dana were SO SO SO fun, creative and energetic during our fun shoot, that it made it really hard to take a bad photo!  It was really great to watch them have fun together, to be in love and to hear them talk about their new marriage, which is just around the corner! … Read more »


I had so much fun documenting Nikki’s every expanding belly!   Since i knew Nikki and Nate through a mutual friend(Hey Tara!), i knew what Nikki looked like pre-preggo…and when she stepped out of the car, the only change i saw in her was her bump!  Everything else about her looked exactly the same…can’t say… Read more »


Happy Thanksgiving!  I have SOOO much to be thankful for in my life.  My family, friends, mine and my family’s health, our great country we get to live in freely everyday, my wonderful and incredibly fun job, and my fantastic clients.  There’s a lot more, but i’m hungry and getting ready to go have 2… Read more »


We are so comfortable where we are sometimes that it hurts to move or change..or even think about doing those things.  Jared and Ilea have been living the life of servants and haven’t been so comfortable.  They met while Ilea started working for a nonprofit that aided abused, prostituted and broken spirited African women.  I… Read more »


Louis and Keely, their dogs, one of their horses and their beautiful ranch… a perfect blend for a great session.  These two really impressed me with their in-front-of-the-camera skills :)  Enjoy! My favorite of the day…for obvious reasons ;) Louis & Keely- you both were SO fun and creative and i thoroughly enjoyed hanging out… Read more »