7 years

I’ve been married to the most amazing, funny, sweet and loving man now for 7 years.  Life has thrown us some curve balls, but looking at it in-whole, we’ve been so incredibly blessed…and when I say blessed, I TRULY mean it.  We’ve never gone without, have always had what we needed, we mostly get what we want(and don’t deserve) and have the 2 most amazing, beautiful and loving girls that fill us with pure joy, every single day.  God has been so good- SO GOOD- to us.

Matt, I LOVE YOU. Happy Anniversary. So happy to be your wife.


This is me at 22. Digital film scan (our whole wedding was shot on film). One of the happiest days of my entire life.

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Congrats! Our wedding was shot all on film except a few point and shoot digital. We celebrate 8 years next month. You both look just the same.


Yeah for 7 years:) Congrats! Love when our old age shows through, we were shot all in film too! Crazy:)

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