It’s that time again for some random and awesome Things I ♥ :)

  1. I ♥ My desk.  I wanted this desk from West Elm, but didn’t want to pay that much.  after searching and searching, I found the exact same desk(without the glossy finish) for over half the price.  love it!
  2. I ♥ Baby Briefcases!  It helps keep all of my kids’s important documents organized, neat and in one place. And in case of a fire or other act of nature, i can just grab this bad boy and run!
  3. I ♥ Well Groomed blog for GROOMS!  A great site for style and inspiration for the groom and his men.  Guys, check it out.
  4. I ♥ Fudge Banana Swirl blog for moms and dads.  Chenin is such a great mom and really saturates this blog with everything from giving amazing tips on first foods, bath toys, pack and plays etc.  A great resource!
  5. I ♥ Bake it Pretty!  Such a fun, cute site that makes you want to bake everyday, in a cute apron, with cute measuring cups, and be ….cute.

Have a great week!

xoxo Jackie

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