I’m back people!  So…without going down a long windy road of really bad story telling(because i leave the story-telling in this family up to Matt- I’m BAAD at it :), the last couple weeks have been pretty physically and emotionally draining.  Our family was rocked a bit, but we stayed on our feet and pushed forward.  Nevertheless, I’ve seen how incredible God is even more in my life and the lives around me and I’m SOOO excited for what’s in store for The Wonders family this year :)  So, to stay in celebration of a fresh outlook, I’m back with some thingies i love!

  1. I ♥ These colorful heart doilies!  I think i could incorporate these into things i don’t need…Matt will love me :)
  2. I ♥ These DIY button rings…SO SO EASY.  Find the tutorial HERE.
  3. I ♥ Starbuck’s free pick of the week.  Genius marketing and every song I’ve downloaded from them is really great.  My $4-5 coffee is finally starting to pay off :/ { image courtesy of you+me}
  4. I ♥’s NEW Black Label!  I’ve mentioned this company before because it’s co-owned by my cousin Jamie Coulter.  But, seriously, hold your breathe and click on the link HERE and be prepared for your eyes to melt.  GORGEOUSNESS.
  5. I ♥ Katie Armour’s blog.  Seriously, this chick’s got it going on!!!  Check her out for all things Neo-traditionalism…Leave her some love!

it’s been an exhausting couple of weeks…here’s proof:

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escape rooms hub

Very nice article and straight to the point. I don’t know if this is in fact the best
place to ask but do you guys have any ideea where to employ some professional writers?
Thanks in advance :) Escape room lista


It’s good to have you back Jackie! Always enjoy your posts. :) “Savior, He can move the mountains. Our God is Mighty to Save…” hope I got that song stuck in your head and it brings you that little bit of strength and peace that you might need. :)

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